Joe the Plumber morphs again

Now he can call himself, Joe the Economist. One has to wonder if the GOP is deliberately trying to make themselves a laughingstock. Goddess knows, I can't stop laughing. Word has it he also has his eye on a Congressional run in 2010.
Maybe he can win an election, but I suspect his ultimate claim to fame will be his incomprehensible ability to extend his fifteen minutes of fame so far beyond its expiration date. [graphic]
Update: Mike Licht calls in CSI and finds evidence that Joe killed PJ Media. Can Joe the Pro Se Attorney be far behind?
[More posts daily at The Detroit News.]
Labels: Republicans, Wingnuts
You do mean "Joe the Dumber" ... yes?
Yes. Yes I do.
The bright side is now we will leave blondes and the Polish alone when making jiokes about idiots. Just insert "Joe the Plumber" in the punchline. Gaurenteed to get a laugh.
Somebody call Matt Groening. The Simpsons HAVE to lampoon this. I'd like to see Homer get thrust in the spotlight after being used as a prop by Mayor Quimby, and then becoming a war correspondent, an economist, etc., giving his idiotic homespun wisdom and being received as a genius.
This is like Paddy Chayefsky's "Being There" in real life: Chance the Gardener vs. Joe the Plumber.
Good point Truth.
Jasper, that's a brilliant idea. You should pitch it to them.
Did Joe the Plumber Kill Pajamas Media?
Get CSI to examine the evidence.
Hey Mike. Thanks for the shout out. Love your blog.
Every time I see this guy in the news again I feel like knifing myself in the chest...partly out of annoyance and partly out of shock that this is what the Republican party has been degraded it.
Hey Grant. It's kind of terrifying isn't it?
Chayefsky wrote "Network.' "Being There" was written by Jerzy Kosinski and directed by Hal Ashby. Peter Sellers' character was a naif without a gram of guile or ambition, totally honest if witless. Joe the Fascist is an arrogant, dishonest skinhead opportunist who will never be President, but will always invited to criticize the Democratic ones by the likes of FuxSnooze, also witless. Just fact-checkin' here.
Obama handles Matt Lauer. And he says the FDA is getting a shakeup, at last. Turns out Sasha likes peanut butter. Video clip.
Joe is the reincarnation of Chauncey.
That is good news Cosa. The FDA is in bad need of a revamp.
Mike, funny vid. There is a distinct resemblence except that Chance is much more interesting.
I have thought from the beginning that Joe was a plant paid for by the local Repugs.
Now, they are just trying to get their money's worth -- good luck to them with that!
That may have true in the beginning Rocky, but I think he's a free agent now out for what's best for Joe. He had no problem dissing McCain.
I hope they fixate on "Joe." He'll turn out like the Palin's and Rush Limbaugh, hillbilly heroine & all. The Repukes are all like one big trailer-park soap opera any more.
Hoping Obama means it when he says Sasha loves peanut butter. Like too see that Georgia processor go to prison. People died, and there was deliberate malfeasance. The FDA needs a good kick in the ass. But their inspectors have been hamstrung by DINO's & 'Pukes. Big opportunity for Barack. Like Roosevelt reading "The Jungle." GAAK!
I think we're all hoping for that Cosa. I'm not understanding or comfortable with everything Obama has done so far, but on the balance, it's still been a vast improvement over the last 8 years and it's only been two weeks. I still have quite a bit of hope left for the moment.
Yeah. It's our job to get behind Obama, and keep pushing him left. That's what we did in the Primary and in the General Election. That's what we'll have to keep doing every day for the next 40 years+, or we could end up with another Nixon, Reagan or Bush. Or Clinton.
That's the bitch about participatory democracy. You have to participate.
True that Cosa. Our work is never done.
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