Muslims and meat eaters have much in common

Commenter Amy P. is correct in noting that ritual animal slaughter has deep roots in the Christian tradition and the fact that we don't practice it in our churches doesn't change the fact that the Christians' most holy book calls for the practice. In fact in some cases, our Christian God called for human sacrifice as well. And it's not like we're not still slaughtering animals here - we've simply outsourced the work from priests to commercial butchers.
And as for the how much more civilized we are in the process of slaughter -- well -- it doesn't sound or look that much different to me. Just because we purchase the results of the process neatly packaged in unrecognizable parts in our grocery stores doesn't mean we're not complicit in the necessarily cruel slaughter it takes to get it to market. So unless these guys at Sweetness and Light are all vegetarians, (and by the way I'm not one either), they should look into their own crock pots before they call the Muslim's kettle black.
I'm tired of both sides. Vegeterians bitching how omnivores or carnivores slaughter animals, yet they forget that plants are organisms too. In fact, that salad was probably eaten alive.
If anyone has problem with killing animals for food, they should start eating inorganic carbon and drop dead already. It's not how stuff works on this planet.
Sorry for the unpleasant rant.
Romunov, I get tired of all the nannies who want to tell me what to do with my life and what to ingest into my own body.
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