This is why I love Leftopia. I'm just a small blogger in a big pond and I'll tell you straight out that I pimped this piece to a few bigger fish. However, I had no expectation it would go anywhere and it's a pretty big deal for me when bloggers I admire respond so positively. So a huge thanks to
Michael Stickings of The Reaction for giving me a full post plug at
The Moderate Voice for my piece on
the difference between Zawahiri and warbloggers. And I'm remiss in sending a big hug
to Avedon at The Sideshow for also linking to the same post over the holiday.
The wingnuts can erroneously smear "the left" as being hateful all they want, but all I know is the big bloggers that have been kind enough to link to me had nothing to gain. There are a very few exceptions, but on the whole, all the acts of pure kindness I've experienced in Blogtopia, have come from those who would be defined as progressive liberals and I'm proud to be counted as one small voice among them.
I guess I'm a member of a pretty small clique, then, after all :-)
Still reading, Libs - still reading.
- Donnie
A small but high class club. Thanks Donnie.
By the way, if this is THE Donnie, where the heck have you been? Your blog is just a placeholder these days. I've been missing you like crazy.
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