DC on Drugs

I wasn't going to blog about it until I stumbled across this delicious item.
As political media buzzed about whether or not Senator Barack Obama's admission eleven years ago that he used cocaine as a teenager would hurt his political prospects, Fox News ran a segment on "Obama's Cocaine Confession." Their conversation took an unusual turn, however, when Fox reporter Kirian Chetry said President Bush had also admitted to using cocaine.A clip of the exchange is available for viewing at the link to the orginal Raw Story post. High caliber political reporter there. I don't know who this person is but I'll bet poor ole Kirian got called on the carpet for that one.
Obama "talks very candidly, as did our current president, who admitted to using cocaine, correct?
[Others demur] Well, who wrote, somebody wrote in a book -- well, he admitted that he had an alcoholic, he had a drinking problem. Who was it who said they witnessed him using cocaine? It was somebody who wrote a book..."
As her colleagues tried to talk her down from the line of discussion, Chetry responded, "Okay, okay, fine, but there were questions about the current president and whether he used cocaine or not as a young guy, but there's something about turning your life around...that people can accept."
it must be said, she is beautiful, as are alot of the bimbos on FOX. especially Molly Henneberg!
I had a feeling she was eye candy for Fox. She's blonde I assume.
kieran's a brunette. Molly is an artists rendering of the girl next door circa 1955
Well I guess that's why Faux news keeps some if its viewers. It certainly can't be for the quality of their coverage.
They are actually kind of one half of a pretty good news network. If they covered the GOP the way they covered democrats, with an insanely powerful microscope, they would be watchable
I can't watch them. They give me a headache, but then again, I can't watch any of the so called news stations. It's all infotainment now. You can't trust any of them since media consolidation put profits ahead of journalism.
HA ha! I saw that, too!
Too damn funny.
Tits. It was funny wasn't it?
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